

What do you think the perceptions of distance learning will be in the future (in 5–10 years; 10–20 years)?

I believe the perception of distance learning will be drastically changed in the future due to many aspects of increasing online activities.  Siemens gives several of those factors in his presentation.   He mentions,” that the growing acceptance of distance education will be fueled by the increase in online communication as a practical experience with new tools and the growing comfort level with online discourse and the ability to communicate with a diverse set of global groups.” (Siemens, 2012).  This will allow distance education to make great advances in the field and continue to capture and engage learners.  

In 5-10 years I see distance education taking over corporate America.   When it comes to training and video-conferencing corporations could be equipped to rarely travel and train.  Because of the great saving businesses will have in decreased travel they will continue to implement online training.  Also, because they can now video-conference globally they are not limited to only face-to-face communication.  In 10-20 years distance education will be a staple in the field of education. “In fact, our results might even be more relevant since other fields typically have a higher percentage of female workers, group that is said to benefit greatly from distance education in the future.” (Schmidt & Gallegos, 2001).  With this statement being said you could have distance education in more single parent households than ever. 

How can you as an instructional designer be a proponent for improving societal perceptions of distance learning?

An Instructional Designer can be a proponent for improving societal perceptions of distance learning by knowing our craft and creating excellent courses and trainings to be used by society.  Piskurich mentions best practices for ID’s and we know that is a great way to change perceptions.  First, “knowing our software and being familiar with technology.” (Piskurich, 2012).   Nothing would be more detrimental tom our craft if we fumbled through our software and technology with our classes, creating confusion and appearing to be disorganized.  Next, “Activities and applications must be the heart of our courses.”(Piskurich, 2012).  Distance Education has to be engaging and worth the time of our busy clientele.  If it is not the will opt for the traditional classroom.  These are just a few ways an Instructional Designer can be a proponent for improving societal perceptions of distance learning. 

How will you be a positive force for continuous improvement in the field of distance education?

I can be as positive force for continuous improvement in the field of distance education for many of the aforementioned practices and for many reasons of my own.  As I was once told by a wise professor, “persistence” is the middle name of ID’s. I have learned that is true for most cases when I am learning new software or new concepts.  The more I delve or am persistent when I investigate the subject matter the more I learn and know.   There is nothing more important in a field of being a professional and having integrity.  I can be a positive force by being a lifelong learner and ever evolving in the field.


Article: Schmidt, E., & Gallegos, A. (2001). Distance learning: Issues and concerns of distance learners. Journal of Industrial Technology, 17(3). Retrieved from

Siemens, G. (n.d.). The Future of Distance Education. Retrieved June 23, 2012 from

Piskurich, G., & Chauser, J. (2012). Facilitating Online Learning. Laureate Inc. Retrieved from

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