Helpful Websites

NAME: Estimating Costs and Time in Instructional Design.



This website gives you some great information on how to estimate the time you will need to build in to your schedule to make it work for your project.  It also gives you an example of producing a video and just how to do it and how much it costs.  This website lets you know where you can even get free photos to use in your venture.


NAME:  Estimating Costs and Time in Instructional Design



This website gives you most of the same information as the previous website I’ve written about but a little bit more.  This website gives you some great examples of how long it takes to develop eLearning courses.  It also gives guidelines for interactive multimedia instruction.

NAME:  Examples of Project Schedules



This website gives you tools you can use in our trade as a Project Manager.  It gives examples of software PM can use when creating a schedule.  It gives you a link to an article on how to create a master schedule, detailed schedule and a milestone schedule for your assignment.  It is great for showing examples of how to display schedules.  Here are more of what the website has to offer:

  • Examples of Project Schedules
  • Components of a Project Schedule
  • How Good Is Your Project Schedule?
  • Defining the Project Schedule Hierarchy
  • Visio 2007: How to Design Project Schedules

These were some great websites for me to view and reassure me of just how many examples are out there that I can use to learn from and many tools to use in the displaying my work or schedules.

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One response to “Helpful Websites

  1. Lyn Goodnight

    The BrightHub link is so valuable — there always seems to be something there that I can use, no matter what specific element I’m searching for. Of all the software I own, the one I wish I had but don’t is Visio — it’s by far the easiest way to create a flowchart, and offers so many variations on that capability. I hadn’t thought of using it for scheduling, but I can see where its abilities to outline a project would lend themselves well to the schedule process.

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